Dayspring Bible College just had a great weekend of ministry hosting a Teen Youth Rally in Cincinnati, Ohio at Friendship Baptist Church. Eight local churches participated by bringing their teens to what we called "Souled Out for Christ" youth rally. Around 150 were in attendance along with Dayspring students and staff. Teens enjoyed a day of pizza, fun activities, a skit, and singing by Sounds of Grace and special guest soloist Stephanie Scialabba. The highlight of the day was Dr. Phil Stringer, Dayspring's Vice President of Church Relations, and our College President, Pastor Jim Scudder Jr., challenging the youth with two life-changing messages. We had 4 young people trust Christ as their Savior and many committed to being sold out for Christ. Pray that these young people will allow God to use them through their high school years and that they would consider attending Dayspring as they seek God's will for their life.